B2ND Metalayer Format#
This is a metalayer on top of a Blosc2 CFrame or SFrame that is meant for storing multidimensional information.
Specifically, this metalayer is named ‘b2nd’ and follows this format:
| 9X| v | nd| 9X| shape | 9X| chunkshape | 9X| blockshape |
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| | | | | |
| | | | | +--[msgpack] fixarray with X=nd elements
| | | | +--[msgpack] fixarray with X=nd elements
| | | +--[msgpack] fixarray with X=nd elements
| | +--[msgpack] positive fixnum for the number of dimensions (up to 127)
| +--[msgpack] positive fixnum for the metalayer format version (up to 127)
+---[msgpack] fixarray with X=7 elements
The shape section is meant to store the actual shape info:
|---|--8 bytes---|---|--8 bytes---|~~~~~|---|--8 bytes---|
| d3| first_dim | d3| second_dim | ... | d3| nth_dim |
^ ^ ^
| | |
| | +--[msgpack] int64
| +--[msgpack] int64
+--[msgpack] int64
Next, the chunkshape section is meant to store the actual chunk shape info:
|---|--4 bytes---|---|--4 bytes---|~~~~~|---|--4 bytes---|
| d2| first_dim | d2| second_dim | ... | d2| nth_dim |
^ ^ ^
| | |
| | +--[msgpack] int32
| +--[msgpack] int32
+--[msgpack] int32
Next, the blockshape section is meant to store the actual block shape info:
|---|--4 bytes---|---|--4 bytes---|~~~~~|---|--4 bytes---|
| d2| first_dim | d2| second_dim | ... | d2| nth_dim |
^ ^ ^
| | |
| | +--[msgpack] int32
| +--[msgpack] int32
+--[msgpack] int32
Finally, the dtype section is meant to store the data type information:
|---|---|--4 bytes---|--------------|
| XX| db| dtype_len | dtype_string |
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| |
| +--[msgpack] str32
+--[msgpack] positive fixint (7-bit integer). dtype_format; 0 means NumPy format.
The 0 value for dtype_format means that the dtype_string field follows the NumPy convention (e.g. an int32_t dtype is represented as “<i4”). For more examples on NumPy dtype specs, see https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/arrays.dtypes.html#arrays-dtypes-constructing.